Speed Bumps for Ocean Parkway b/t Church and Caton

Dear Friends: We are residents and friends of Kensington, Brooklyn, concerned about the welfare and safety of pedestrians and cyclists, children and adults, on the block of Ocean Parkway between Church Ave and Caton Ave, on the East side of the Prospect Expressway. Due in part to the unusually long traffic light at the corner of Caton Ave, motorists are constantly speeding down this narrow street, which is lined with residential buildings full of kids and the elderly, and dense parallel parking on each side. This is an incredibly dangerous situation, and there is currently nothing to prevent it from continuing. It is only a matter of time before someone is injured or killed. We are now collecting signatures for a petition to install speed bumps on Ocean Parkway on this block. We believe that speed bumps combined with the proper signage announcing them to approaching motorists would effectively deter speeding on this block. We very much appreciate your support and signature to help preserve the safety of our neighborhood for everyone. If you have any questions or would like to help push this through, please send an email to opspeedbumps@gmail.com