Support The Sale of Ormsby Guitars Through Major Retailers
Jordan Gale 0

Support The Sale of Ormsby Guitars Through Major Retailers

59 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jordan Gale 0 Comments
59 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Some History:

Ormsby Guitars is a reputable guitar company/luthier that is based out of Australia that has been creating absolutely incredible custom instruments for over ten years.

Ormsby Guitars

They specialize in the creation of multiscale instruments like guitars and basses. Multiscale instruments have a host of benefits, and may be one of the greatest innovations in the modern instrument market, even though the concept itself is old, dating back hundreds of years.

What is a Multiscale Guitar?

Multiscale instruments are truly amazing, however they are typically not affordable for the working musician, or need to be made on a custom basis. Ormsby Guitars has changed that by introducing their GTR product line. The GTR line is produced on a mass scale on South Korea by WMI, who are also responsible for the production of guitars for companies like Schecter, ESP, Paul Reed Smith, etc.

Ormsby GTR Production Line Instruments

These guitars are produced to exacting specifications, using high quality timbers and other materials like custom Hipshot bridges and stainless steel frets, but do not carry the cost of a custom instrument. Perry Ormsby personally inspects the instruments at the factory and ensures that they are of a high standard.

One other really incredible thing to note about Mr. Perry Ormsby is that he goes to the community that has formed around these instruments for feedback and ideas on designs and other matters. It is really awesome to find a company that is so interactive, and Perry Ormsby does his best to ensure that the products that his company produces are reflections of not only his passion, but the passion and ideas of the community.

So, what is the point of all of this?

Ormsby Guitars currently lacks a major retail presence in the USA and other countries, which can make it difficult for consumers to be exposed to their products. This also restricts interested buyers to participating in limited production runs ordered directly from Ormsby Guitars and then paying for shipment and all other fees involved with international purchases.

Our best chance at increasing the accessibility of these fine instruments, and getting them into the hands of people worldwide is to convince major retailers such as Guitar Center, Sweetwater, Sam Ash, and others that there is a demand for these instruments so that they will carry them in stock.

So, how do we do this?

I've made dozens of phone calls and sent many emails to representatives of these companies, and the consensus seems to be that they need to see interest from us, the consumers, in order to make this into a reality. Instead of having every person who supports this endeavor email or call individually, I took it upon myself to create this petition, so that we can show these big companies that the market has a demand for these instruments, and hopefully it will be enough to persuade them to respond.

If we all raise our voices together, these companies will take notice.

Please sign this petition so that we can try to influence the market in a positive way.

Jordan Gale

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