Ubuntu/Canonical not helping "us" compute
Ronnie Whisler 0

Ubuntu/Canonical not helping "us" compute

40 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Ronnie Whisler 0 Comments
40 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Hello, My name is Ronnie Whisler. I am the site owner/administrator of Ourbuntu.com. Recently Ubuntu/Canonical contacted me for the use of buntu in our domain name. I had emailed them long before any announcement of the site but with no reply until the site began to attract visitors/users. I understand that Ubuntu/Canonical has a job to do when it comes to protecting their best interest. But Ourbuntu is doing nothing more than giving users the ability to setup a Ubuntu/Linux based system and sell it at no cost. Which helps promote the use of opensource software. I am trying to build a community based computer vendor. Which basically gives everyone the opportunity to showcase their talent with computers running Linux and hopefully make a bit of cash doing it. Without being crushed with fees. I choose Ubuntu as the site OS focus simply because of ease of use, support, OS recognition, and frequent updates. I am a long time Ubuntu user and realize that new GNU/Linux users know about Ubuntu first and with good reason. Ubuntu's email was very respectful and courteous this is an excerpt. "we cannot give you permission to use the domain. We trust that you will understand the importance of this. If you have any questions or would like to discuss it further, please let us know." I have tried to contact them a few times to discuss it. I've called and sent a few emails straight to the individual that sent the email but with no response/reply. I simply don't fully understand the problem since "we" are helping to promote their product and "our" product at the same time. I have changed the logo like they requested and put a disclaimer right on the center of the front page but apparently Ubuntu is not ready to help anyone of us make money with their product even if we are promoting theirs. This is a corporate strategy that I would expect from Microsoft not my beloved Ubuntu. Needless to say this petition is about the domain name and hopefully enough of us will sign it so that Ubuntu/Canonical will give "us" permission to promote ourselves and them as well. Check out the site its very grassroots since I am just a guy with an idea, no big pockets. But if you like the idea and would like to support it please sign the petition in favor of "us" keeping "our" domain name so we may help promote opensource software with our talent of setting up computers with Ubuntu/Linux. Thanks for reading, Sincerely, Your Friend Ronnie Whisler http://www.ourbuntu.com

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