Ovarian Cancer Awareness USPS Postage Stamp

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Postage Stamp
We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee approve an Ovarian Cancer Awareness Stamp. With early diagnosis and specialized care, survival rates increase dramatically. Every day counts...women/girls of all ages are dying needlessly from this terrible disease. Each year, more than 20,000 American women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and nearly 16,000 deaths occur in the U.S. from this dreaded disease. Ovarian cancer is the deadliest of all gynecologic cancers, killing more women than all other gynecologic cancers combined. Every female is at risk (even those who have had their ovaries removed), and no age is spared (girls as young as one year old have been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer). Ovarian cancer is no longer called "The Silent Killer." Symptoms are often subtle, but they are not silent.
Women with ovarian cancer DO have symptoms, even in the early stages.
These can include (but are not limited to):
Bloating Pelvic or abdominal pain,
Discomfort or heaviness
Difficulty eating or feeling full quickly
Urinary symptoms (urgency or frequency)
Additional symptoms may include:
Back pain
Pain with intercourse
Bowel changes
Menstrual irregularities
Loss of appetite
Increasing abdominal girth
TAKE ACTION: See your doctor, preferably a Gynecologist, if these symptoms are unusual for you and occur or increase in intensity over two weeks. Experts suggest a combination pelvic/rectal exam, a trans-vaginal sonogram, and a CA-125 blood test. And, any woman at risk, suspected of having or diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer should consult a Gynecologic Oncologist. EARLY DIAGNOSIS IS THE KEY TO IMPROVED PROGNOSIS.
NOTE: Pap smears do NOT detect Ovarian Cancer.
Increased awareness of ovarian cancer by women and healthcare providers is urgently needed. Every woman should have an annual gynecologic exam, which should include a vaginal/rectal pelvic examination. Women at high risk and those with persistent ovarian cancer symptoms should receive prompt attention, and may benefit from additional evaluation with CA-125 blood testing and transvaginal ultrasound.
It is our sincere hope that an Ovarian Cancer Awareness Postage Stamp will help improve the chances of early diagnosis. One of the best ways we can bring about earlier diagnosis is through awareness and education. Symptoms are often overlooked or attributed by women and their doctors to gastrointestinal upset or menopausal problems. We can save women's lives through Ovarian Cancer awareness and education.
A U.S. Postage Stamp for Ovarian Cancer Awareness will be an enormous help in these efforts. We are petitioning the US Postal service to consider our request at their earliest convenience...women are dying daily because they do not know enough about this terrible disease. One of these women could be you or someone close to you (your mother, your sister, your best friend, or...even your daughter!).
In memory of Carolyn Benivegna, survivors, family and friends of those touched by ovarian cancer; we have been requesting an ovarian cancer awareness postage stamp annually since 2001. Naturally, we believe our request merits strong consideration, and we will continue our campaign until an Ovarian Cancer Awareness Postage Stamp is granted and created.
Thank you for your signature and support.
Celma Mastry Ovarian Cancer Foundation