East River State Park Solar Lights PARKS MATTER Petition
Remove the EAST RIVER STATE PARK lights petition We understand that the State was addressing the community requests for the park to be opened a little later in the evening. We just meant long enough to see the sunset. There was no community forum on this installation, and well it just didn’t turn out.The lights specified are the wrong lights for a small waterfront park. It ruins the city vista for photographers and filmakers, gets in the way of a good frisbee throw, bounces mirrored sunlight into the homes of residents and makes the park look like a an airport or DOT parking lot. SOLUTION, We urge the State to trade in the 15’ poles, lights/solar panels to the manufacturer in exchange for solar path lighting that will fit into the same cement blocks. If the manufacturer will not take them back then they can be used/donated by the state for other more appropriate installation sites. OSA’2 2012 contribution can be put towards replacement costs. Thanks you.