Pass the Glasses Amendment
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A well regulated Internet, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear smart glasses, shall not be infringed.
This amendment is being proposed in response to the persecution of our rights as individuals to bear mobile devices.
Inspiring the recent hardware witch hunt, of course, is the commercial introduction of Google Glass, evolutionary mobile technology showcased in their new video demonstrating the multitude of ways our life will be improved by its convenient wearability and interface.
Now we’ll address the parallel between the right to bear mobile devices (e.g., Google Glass) and the right to bear arms (e.g., 38 Special). While the gun debate simmers to a boil, we remind our readers that most Americans support private gun ownership according to Gallup polls. Most of us agree our country has an active role in regulating how technology is deployed. Few of us would contend, for instance, that bazookas should fall under the Second Amendment protection laws for private ownership; likewise, there are no realistic movements to ban hunting with most guns. Alex Roland is a professor of history at Duke University known for speaking out about the need for society to accept responsibility for how technology shapes warfare. He reminds his students that the accelerated pace of technological change in the modern world, however, has little to do with war. War is timeless and universal, he says, so there is no imperative for new technology to be used for ill means, by either government agencies or individuals. Roland believes that we, as responsible citizens, have it within our powers to shape technology into mechanisms for good.
With these points in mind, we propose the amendment to the United States Constitution, necessary for the purpose of protecting our right to bear mobile computers. We're sure congress will be forced to take up the issue and eventually ratify a version of our new amendment as it becomes increasingly obvious that our mobile computer devices have the ability to radically change the way our citizenry interacts with each other as well as government. The debate with new technology has often been focused on its capability to do good or evil. To be sure, we anticipate both Democrats and Republicans will rally behind our rights to own and operate mobile devices.
PassTheGlasses.org is sponsoring this petition to pass the amendment to the United State Constitution: A well regulated Internet, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear smart glasses, shall not be infringed.