Peter Traynor Award

Are you a musician Have you ever used a piece of Traynor equipment This is a campaign to get the man who started Traynor musical equipment some recognition. Peter Traynor started building his amplifiers while working in the repair department at Long & McQuade's music store in Toronto, many years ago. Read - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traynor Thanks to Pete's relentless efforts, back then, to build reasonably priced, extra durable equipment; many aspiring, young players were afforded the opportunity to develop, and bring their talents to the public stage. Many of those players went on to achieve international success, which in turn, furthered the Canadian music scene. Peter Traynor is, in no small way, a contributor to the birth of the Canadian music scene. He deserves some form of lasting recognition from the Canadian music industry in that regard. It may be in the form of having his name attached to an annual award, for advancement in musical or recording equipment.(Junos) An online petition has been started in an effort to gather names for that purpose. Adding your signature and location will give this campaign the added force that may be needed to get his name used in conjunction with some sort of annual award. Please forward this petition information to anyone you know, who might be of a like mind in this regard. Thank you.