Petition against RUUF
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Maxine K. signed
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Adam B. signed
just now
To all Malaysians,
The latest draft of Rang Undang-undang Farmasi (RUUF, Pharmacy Bill) as announced by the Ministry of Health on 9th May 2016 includes the following decisions:
1. Issuance of prescriptions to patients is not mandatory.
2. It is not mandatory to state Indication / diagnosis on prescriptions
3. Pharmaceutical Compounding can be performed by non-pharmacists
4. Psychotropic medicines can be dispensed by prescribers
5. Juruteknologi Farmasi can be supervised by non-pharmacists
The latest RUUF draft fails to provide sufficient protections to the patients' / consumers' rights and interests. And it does not help in the development of the pharmacy profession.
Please sign this Petition to reject RUUF.