Petition Against the Proposed Parking Garage West of FASB
The Frederick Albert Sutton Building (FASB) is an immense asset to the University of Utah Campus and to the Geology and Geophysics Department. It is a Gold LEED certified building and has strived to be an example of energy efficiency on campus. A parking structure next to FASB would cast a shadow and send a message promoting fossil fuel consumption that is directly opposed to the sustainable principles FASB was designed to promote. The Sutton building was designed from the ground up as a teaching tool to be used for generations. The view was purposefully constructed to allow students to look out over the Great Basin to no fewer than six mountain ranges and the tectonic processes that formed the basin. This is both an educational and inspirational tool. A parking structure would destroy/compromise an educational resource now and for generations to come. A parking structure to the west of FASB would be detrimental in the following ways: 1. Add traffic and congestion to the FASB area as well the problematic 100 S. intersection area, creating a safety hazard to students and faculty. 2. Impair the view of faculty and graduate offices – which is a teaching aid to geology students 3. Block light and view from the large expanses of west facing windows on each floor of FASB which are crucial to the LEED certification 4. Block light to the roof garden causing plants to perish 5. Discourage use of public transportation and consequently increase fossil fuel emissions. 6. Diminish the beauty and elegance of the building that is known for its spectacular views 7. Detract students from a serene study environment, which ultimately will decrease traffic from non-geology students. 8. Money was donated to construct the FASB building. If you agree with the above statements please take the initiative to sign this petition. We need your help. Every vote counts.