We Support the Petition Appeal by the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society for Controlled Medicines (Schedule Poison B And C) to be Zero-Rated under GST

Dear Members of the Public,
Regarding the matter above, we would like to bring to your attention that the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society has started an initiative to appeal for all medicines to be 0% GST rated so that the sick would not be taxed for their medications.
2. Nobody wants to be sick. The government should not tax somebody for being sick or for needing to take medications. Certain illnesses, e.g. cancer, require a patient to fork out tens of thousands of ringgit every month. If they are made to pay GST at a standard rate, they will need to pay an extra of RM600.00 in tax for every RM10,000.00 they need to pay for their medications. It is already sad for a person to fall seriously ill, so much so, that it cripples his ability to generate income. He need to come out with a large sum of money in the battle for his life and now he needs to be taxed an additional 6% for needing to take medicines.
3. It is well documented that adherence to medicines is related to the cost of medication. Research had shown that the higher the cost of medicines, the higher is the chance that a patient may drop out from his therapy. It will be sad to see the sick give up on their fight against their illness just because they cannot afford it.
4. In view of the extra burden that we foresee will befall those who are unfortunate enough to fall sick, we seek your support in our campaign to make all Controlled Medicines (Schedule Poison B and C) to be zero-rated under GST. This will mean that the tax the sick will need to pay for their medicines will be 0%. We will appreciate it if you could help us pass this message or forward the linkto your staff, family members, friends, customers and whoever you may deem fit to support our cause by listing your name and NRIC number in the petition form.
5. The collection of names will be done until 31st March 2015. Once completed, the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society will compile all these names and send an appeal to the associated government agencies for further action. This will show to the authorities that this appeal has the support of the public and should be considered seriously.
We would like to express our appreciation for your help. Please email to medicine.gst.mps@gmail.com if you need additional information or help.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Datuk Nancy Ho
Note: The petition is also available as a printed copy.Please sign at one place only, either on the hardcopy or here online but not both