Petition To Fire Justin Shukas as Greek Life Advisor at UO

This is a petition to get rid of Justin Shukas, the man who is single handedly ruining Greek Life at the University of Oregon. Mr. Shukas is a terrible leader. He uses his Twitter account to completely bash college kids and the Greek Life here at the U of O. He tweets things that are completely unprofessional, including the tweet "Justice will be served today." in reference to a recent fraternity's mishaps. This is totally inappropriate for an advisor to blast over the internet. Mr. Shukas would openly discuss upcoming judicial hearings with board members, which is completely against the contract he, and the IFC student leaders, had to sign. He would also ask to get dirt about illegal functions or parties. Mr. Shukas is only making things worse and worse. If he does not leave, Greek Life will deteriorate.