Petition to replace the current Miami ISKCON temple president

January 21, 2016
Dear Harischandra Prabhu,
All glories to Srila Prabhupad, please accept my humble obeiscences. We would like to announce a consensus taken from several congregation members of the ISKCON Miami Yatra. First there is appreciation and respect for the current administration which has managed to keep the temple afloat through many storms. The exodus of so many aspiring devotees from participation in daily activities is a recurrent theme and the reasons for this is not the focus of this letter, rather what we can do as a group to serve Srila Prabhupad and augment the congregation service attitude. In essence this is a soft petition to replace the current temple president, after all there is not one sannyasi temple president in ISKCON; The sannyasi order is best suited for preaching, traveling from center to center. We would also like to add a representative for the Indian community to the board, and represent the finance committee. This is not an attempt to oust or replace the current board, nor a fault finding expedition. Please take into consideration the annexed signatures and petitions, which concur that we all need to come together and upgrade our devotional attitude together.
Concerned Congregation Members
“Preaching is more important than managing, just because you are preaching nicely, and distributing so much Prasadam, the management will follow like a shadow and Krishna will send you no end of help” Letter to Satsvarupa, November 21, 1971.