Point Grey Road - Transportation Plan 2A Option

PETITION (This Petition is organized by residents of Point Grey Road as of May 23, 2013, Revised May 31, 2013 ) The City of Vancouver has agreed as part of its Transportation 2040 Plan to begin traffic safety improvements for the Point Grey Road - Cornwall Corridor this coming Fall. The City council is scheduled to vote on the plan this summer. Two options are being considered for traffic safety improvements on Point Grey Road: Option 1 (2a): Point Grey Road would be redesignated from a Secondary Arterial to a Local Street with car traffic diversions at Macdonald Street and Blenheim Street. These diversions would be extensions of the current park spaces across Point Grey Road. Pedestrian and cyclist traffic would not be diverted. Most existing parking would remain on the South side of Point Grey Road. There would be a significant reduction of car traffic on Point Grey Road to local users only, and without the through traffic, car speeds would be substantially reduced. Option 2 (2b): Point Grey Road would remain designated as a Secondary Arterial, but as a One-Way Street westbound from Macdonald Street to Alma Street. The South side of Point Grey Road would become a bike lane. All existing parking on the South side of Point Grey Road would be removed. There would be no reduction in car traffic or speed westbound. Cyclists would be required to cross Point Grey Road at Macdonald Street, as the proposed bike lane would be on the South side of Point Grey Road West of Macdonald Street and on the North side of Point Grey Road East of Macdonald Street. If you are in support of Option 1 (2a) -- Making Point Grey Road a Local Street -- please show your support by signing. safety and access for all users of this street.