Philip Rooke CEO Spreadshirt: Please add Bitcoin as a payment option!

Help us get Spreadshirt to enable it’s 300,000 shop partners to accept Bitcoin.
Not only will customers have the freedom & flexibility to buy goods with Bitcoin, sellers will also have the option to earn in Bitcoin too. If you want to help increase or speed up Bitcoin adoption. Please spare 5 seconds and support this movement.We need every one of you to make this happen.
On 28th March 2014, Mr Philip Rooke published a guest comment for
http://internetretailing.net/ where he stated:
"I receive hundreds of requests a month from consumers and our ecommerce platform sellers wanting Amazon checkout and payment. We have yet to have one for Bitcoin. If Bitcoin is not mass market then it will be of little use to ecommerce retailers and platforms. The internet is a funny place however, where new ideas do catch on. My job therefore is to try and cover as many of our customers’ needs as possible, so if enough people want to use either Bitcoin we will adapt and find ways of taking payments!"
We believe Bitcoin is the future of digital currency. We would like to request as a community and as consumers for Spreadshirt to implement Bitcoin as a payment option.
As an international online retailer operating in 17 countries we feel you have nothing to lose but only gain by granting our request.
By embracing Bitcoin not only will you gain a competitive edge over your rivals. You will be giving more choice and flexibility to your customers.
The BitPay system costs far less (1%) for merchants to use as a payment system as compared to credit cards (3%). Merchants do not have to worry about chargebacks and can convert secure digital bitcoins directly in USD dollars.
By accepting Bitcoin through payment processors like BitPay, merchants can choose whether to keep Bitcoins or to receive a direct deposit into their bank account in currency.
By fulfilling our request not only will Spreadshirt attract a lot of media attention, I’m sure it will benefit from an increase in sales as well.
Customers residing in countries with limited payment options will also benefit from Bitcoin option too.
Spreadshirt can avoid paying high transaction fees to payment processors like PayPal and credit cards. We believe there is no serious drawback to accepting Bitcoin.
It will also enable Spreadshirt to pay the 300,000+ worldwide shops that create and use their platform to sell designs in Bitcoin as well.
Spreadshirt and its customers can only benefit from Bitcoin: it is a win-win situation.
So Spreadshirt we ask you to join us in becoming apart of The Bitcoin Revolution!
Disclaimer – We do not represent Spreadshirt. This is a grass roots cause powered by people who believe in Bitcoin. We hope our actions will inspire others to take action.