Please Stop Linking to Fake News Sites of CNN, ABC News, NY TImes, NBC News, MSNBC, and ABC News

I am going to present this petition to Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report, and ask that he stop linking to the fake news sites that have worked against freedom. These sites helped Clinton with questions before debates, made up news stories, made up lies about Trump and they all continue to play propagandists. If we all stand together, we can defeat the fake news sites mentioned in this petition.
I'm not against Drudge in any way. In fact...they deserve much credit. But the media is out of hand and has to be stopped. We can do this together. Let it spread on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and everywhere. Post if wheever you leave messages. I started this on 11/22 at 5 pm Central time. Let's see how far we can get this before we send it to Drudge.
On Drudge and Breitbart...
Both sites dared to tell the truth about this past election. They were each founded by men who dared to stand up for freedom of the press. Many deserve credit for helping Trump get elected, but these two sites deserve more than most.
If enough of us stand together, we can maybe nudge Drudge into no longer supporting the fake news sites mentioned above. This may be just a small thing to do, but we can all pass this around to friends. If this election has shown us anything, it is the power of the people. Regardless of what we are told by the media.
Our new President-Elect Trump can and will call them out publicly. Youy know he will. Do your part and pass this around. It is up to us to also no longer visit these sites. We can let them die a horribly death of low ratings and no eyeballs. Let their web traffic come to a halt.
Please pass this around to all that you know!
Last but not least please visit the Breitbart News Site. Andrew Breitbart helped Drudge save this nation, and although he is no longer with us (He died under mysterious circumstances - remember this - click)
One last thing, just remember that Drudge and Breitbart helped to save our nation. There's an article about them in a futuristic political fantasy book that gave them names on continents as rewards. Very entertaining if you have a KIndle.
Don't forget, America is worth fighting for. Now we can do another small part by passing this around on Facebook and Twitter and by email. We voted Trump in, and we all did well.
if you still haven't joined, be sure to join the Tea Party - Click here. - For collective action there is almost no site quite as good.
Sign and comment and pass this around...please.