I sent a 12th of May postcard to Karina Hansen in Denmark

Skriv venligst under her, når du har sendt dit 12. maj-postkort for at støtteden alvorligt syge ME-patient Karina Hansen i Danmark!
Den 12. maj 2013 vil det være tre måneder siden, at den alvorligt ME-syge Karina på 24 årblev fjernet med tvang fra sit hjem.Hun er stadig indlagt på Hammel Neurocenter mod sin vilje.Hun viser ikke tegn på bedring, og hendes forældre har stadig ikke fået lov til at se eller tale med hende. Karinas forældre og advokat, der har fuldmagt for hende, har stadig ikke modtaget nogen form for officielle dokumenter eller journal om hendes sag.
Du kan skrive under hermed dit navn og/eller din by og dit land og skrive en kommentar, eller teksten fra dit postkort. Mange tak! Underskriftindsamlingen vil fortsætte online efter maj måned 2013. Du kan se alle underskrifter og kommentarer her: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/postcardtokarina/signatures
Please sign this petition, when you have sent your 12th of May postcard to support the severely-ill ME patient Karina Hansen in Denmark!
On the 12th of May, 2013, it will be three months since theseverely-ill ME patient Karina, aged 24, was forcibly removed from her home.She is still being held against her will at Hammel Neurocenter in Denmark. There is no improvement in Karina’s condition and her parents have still not been allowed to see or talk to her. Her parents and lawyer, who have power of attorney for Karina, have still not received any official documents about the case.
You can sign here with your name and/or town and country and leave a comment orthe text from your postcard, if you like. Thank you! The petition will stay online after the ME Awareness Month ofMay2013.You can see all the signatures and comments here: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/postcardtokarina/signatures