Govt. Regulation of Personalised Plate Monopoly

Personal Plates Ltd (PPL) has a strong monopoly type market involved with the distribution of different plate styles in New Zealand. Being a monopoly, the company has no competition, so can and do charge high prices to a reasonably inelastic demand, with no legal alternatives The NZ Euro plates or Blue/Black Silverfern plates available in New Zealand from Plates.co.nz are currently $400. I think this price is ridiculous, especially after all you are ordering is your original registration number but in a different style So it is no surprise that people who are enthusiastic about the aesthetics of their European car, are looking to alternatives to paying $400 for a Euro plate that has the production value of $32.50 from Licensys - the official manufacturer. These alternatives can be found overseas where an equivalent plate can be made to order for a fraction of the price of around $70-80. Unfortunately, these illegal plates can attract a $200 fine from authorities. It is my strong belief that the New Zealand Govt. should bring in regulations that make PPL lower their pricing to a more reasonable price to make the said NZ Euro plates more affordable to the general population. Or, make it possible for other companies to acquire the rights to sell and distribute the same plates. If you support a regulated or free marketed personalised plate industry in NZ please add your signature below.