Help saving our Abyssinians!

We, the undersigned, request that the Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc., respects its current registration rules for the Abyssinian breed and upholds the required 8 generations of full disclosure of ancestors for cats from foreign registries, if the certified pedigree process has to be used. If these 8 generations reveal that the cat has not been bred according to CFA registration rules (for example if it has been outcrossed to another breed including Somalis) it shall either be recorded in Cat's Ancestral Tracking Service (CATS) System indefinitely, or in the regular breed registry of the breed the cat was outcrossed to, if CFA standard allows it. Any offspring of a parent recorded in CATS cannot be moved to the regular breed registry without the approval of the breed council. We, the undersigned, also request that any registered offspring whose sire OR dam has been recorded in CATS, be moved back to CATS or be registered - if applicable - with the breed that has been used as an outcross.
Please note that the donation is NOT asked from the petition committee (we don't receive anything) but from
the site holder and it is not required for the signature to complete! Just close the window when it appears. Thank you!
For additional information consider visiting the links provided in the panel on the right hand, thank you for supporting us!!
Please, report immediately to the Petition Committee should you receive harassment from anybody because you signed the petition, so we can put a stop on it. Thank you!
Мы, нижеподписавшиеся, требуем от CFA (Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc.) соблюдать существующие в данной системе правила регистрации для Абиссинской породы кошек и поддерживать требование безоговорочного обнаружения в 8 поколениях предков из иностранных регистров при выдаче сертифицированных CFA родословных. Если в оговоренных 8 поколениях любой абиссинский кошки обнаружено несоблюдение правил регистрации CFA (например, если в ее родословной есть ауткроссные вязки с сомали), это должно быть записано либо в Службе Слежения Наследственности Кошек (Cat's Ancestral Tracking Service (CATS)), либо в обычном регистре той породы, с которой был ауткросс, если стандарт CFA это допускает. Все потомство родителей, занесенных в систему CATS, не может быть перенесено в обычный регистр без одобрения Совета по Породе. Мы, нижеподписавшиеся, требуем также, чтобы любой потомок, чьи отец ИЛИ мать занесены в систему CATS, был также перенесен в CATS или был – если это допустимо – зарегистрирован в породе, с которой был ауткросс
Для дополнительной информации приглашем посетить ссылки, находящиеся на панели справа, и СПАСИБО за поддерку нашей Петиции!!
CFA Abyssinian Breed Standard
Allowable outcross: NONE
AOV show class: NONE
General CFA Rules for Registration
Please read particularly ARTICLE III - BREED CLASSIFICATION, where it says:
General: A breed may have specific policies regarding ALLOWABLE ancestry, import requirements, colors and other characteristics.
Section 1 - Natural Breeds: Both parent cats and ALL ancestors must be of the breed as the cat to be registered.
The Abyssinian falls under the designation of "natural breeds".
Cat's Ancestral Tracking Service (CATS) rules
Does explain the CFA CATS rule
Shorthair Somalis and its increasing influence on the Abyssinian Breed
This link gives indepth and historical information why from a certain point on the Abys should not be mixed with another breed. It also lists catteries currently working with SH Somalis
Bebop Solarian of Cedarwood KV (recorded in CATS) offspring list
The above mentioned cat has been RECORDED in CATS via the certified pedigree process. Due to unknown reasons CFA staff have automatically REGISTERED all direct offspring in the regular register eventhough the CATS rule as well as the general registration rules are clearly prohibiting this (see link to the rules above). This stud has (and still is) been used EXTENSIVELY in a few catteries set up to MAINLY EXPORT TO NEW BREEDERS in foreign countries not having much knowledge about the breed yet. If we are not going to stop this NOW, the impact will be disastrous, also from a genetic diversity point of view! PLEASE HELP US AVOIDING THIS BY SIGNING THE PETITION - THANK YOU¨!
The Abyssinian Homepage