Preserve Merced Theater History

The City of Los Angeles is planning to install the City's Information Technology Agency (ITA) into two of LA's most historic buildings still standing, the Merced Theater and the Masonic Lodge of El Pueblo de Los Angeles State Historic Park. While the exteriors of these two building, along with the legendary Pico House, were seismically secured and restored by the State of California; the interiors have remained void of any preservation efforts.
The history of Mexican Governor Pío Pico, California State Senator Andrés Pico,Theater Owner William Abbott with his wife Maria Merced Garcia, and that of the many performing artists who graced the stage of Los Angeles' very first professional theater is at stake. Merced Theater history has been long overlooked, yet it is a very vibrant and important part of Los Angeles cultural heritage and history. ITA plans to permanently close public access to the former second floor auditorium space and that of the Masonic Lodge. High tech needs of the department will also endanger the historic architectural nature of both buildings.
PLEASE add your support for preserving the Merced Theater and Masonic Lodge as historic PUBLIC spaces. Too much of Los Angeles History has been lost already by misaligned Civic projects. Please help future generation have the opportunity to revisit Los Angeles' glorious past by signing this online petition. Thank You !!!