The proposed Sand Mine for Oak Grove, WI and Diamond Bluff, WI townships (as well as surrounding areas) will adversely effect the residents of this area for many years. Some of the most basic elements of sand mining include underground blasts occuring 24 hours a day, extensive water usage in processing sand, and release of harmful chemicals into the air and water. The primary areas of concerns regarding sand mining are:
1. Health: Blowing sand contains Silica, a
mineral which is proven to cause long term lung damage (Silicosis,
Cancer,COPD) and the winds in this area can carry that sand for many miles.
This is especially hazardous to the health of children and animals.
2. Envrionment: The sand mine will destroy the landscape on which it is
located and the process used for mining will consume millions of gallons of
water per day. This will lower the water table, which in effect, causes damage
and pollution to home wells, rivers, and lakes in the area. The force caused by
underground blasting in the mines will also damage wells and foundations.
3. Quality of Life: It has been shown that home values in mining
areas can drop 5 to 30 % and taxes will increase to pay for the road damage
caused by extensive blasting and heavy machinery being transported constantly down quiet roads. Blowing sand (that contains silica) is not only dangerous to our health, but becomes a major nuisance as it piles on cars,in homes, and on the roads.Twenty four hour noise pollution will be created
from the blasting, mining operations, and constant heavy load truck traffic.In addition to this, local tourism and commuting will be impacted due to
increased traffic in the region as well as distracting noise and poor air
It is important to be aware that the mining company is NOT responsible for road maintenance or other "issues" caused by the sand mining it conducts. Also, the mining company will likely not adhere to many ordinances designed to protect the community as they may be granted variances and exceptions.
The proposed location of the sand mine is between 1050th St and 1005th St,on both sides of 35.(Oak Grove).
The Permit process has begun and there is a short moratorium on expanding existing sites (ie. sand pits). We have only a SHORT WINDOW of time to shut down this irresponsible operation. If the permit is granted for sand mining, there will be NO legal course of action to stop it. This business is not well regulated since it is so new in Wisconsin and Minnesota .and this leaves much room for the residents to be pushed aside in decision making.
PLEASE SIGN your name to this petition support
of our mission to PREVENT SAND MINING in our community. We need several
hundred signatures to legally stop the process. For more information
google Sand Mining in Wisconsin as well as the company proposing the mind,
Wisconsin Industrial. Sand (which has operations in Maiden Rock and Menomenee), a division of Fairmount Minerals.
There you can see the results of mining and read residents' comments and
Thank you!
YouTube: Frac Sand Mine Neighbors—several residents in Maiden Rock talk about their experience
Google – Sand Mining in WI
Look at the Fairmount Minerals site for their view