Prevent the 92nd St Y Gala from being traif (for first time)

Petition to The Board of Directors of the 92nd Street Y to change planned Non-Kosher Gala on May 15th and make it kosher
We, the undersigned members of the 92nd St Y and concerned Jews, some of us who keep kosher regularly and some of us who do not, protest the fact that for the first time in its 120 year history, the 92nd Street Y Gala (May 15th) is planned to be non-kosher/treif. This is a fundamental deviation from tradition, or more accurately, a public desecration of G-d’s name i.e. a “Chilul Hashem.” This is also a very symbolic departure from the inclusiveness that the 92nd Street Y offers all its members in every area. It also behooves a cultural/educational institution like the 92nd St Y to assume that a Jewish person who comes to such an event is fully okay and even inspired to keep kosher albeit for only a few hours and this is something that the Y should encourage and not discourage.
We demand that The Board of Directors reverse and rectify this situation so that this year’s May 15th gala will be 100% Glatt kosher as always. Such a large, public, fundamental issue cannot be ignored. No Excuse will do.
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