Protect our Sacred Headwaters, Salmon and Health of our Future Generations

Petition to Protect our Sacred Headwaters, Salmon and Health of our Future Generations. Currently, there is mining exploration taking place in our headwaters of the Adams River, unsurrendered Secwepemc Territory. The impacts of this mining project, if allowed to go through, will be permanent and irreversible. The proposal includes: - Bringing big industry into untouched, ecologically sensitive areas in our glaciers, headwaters and the only Interior Temperate Rainforest in the World - 2,000 tonne per day (700,000 tonne per year) to be mined - Toxic tailings slimes (ponds) at Tumtum Lake and Oliver Creek basin - Massive waste rock dumps, heavy metals and acid mine drainage contamination - 200 person permanent mining town including sewage, electricity, roads, railroads and all the infrastructure for a small town at Tumtum Lake We demand an immediate and permanent stop to Imperial Metals' Ruddock Creek Project in our Sacred Headwaters.