Protesting 7Eleven and Dunkin Donuts stores in Seward Park Co-op

In just a few days, Seward Park Coop is slated to sign leases for 7 Eleven and Dunkin Donuts to open their stores in the Grand Spa and previous Roots and Vines location.
We have 2-3 days to stop this!!
We the undersigned shareholders of Seward Park Cooperative and other neighborhood residents have formed this petition to address our opposition to Dunkin Donuts and 7-Eleven chain stores being brought to the Seward Park commercial spaces, as managed by Charles H. Greenthal & Co.
· We oppose commercial duplication of the same goods/products/services in our retail strip and believe we should limit the distance of duplicative retail establishments to at least 1,000 feet of each other
· We are concerned about the potential crime and noise pollution that a 24 hour hangout (e.g. 7-11) might attract to the residential nature of Grand Street
· We are concerned that with the expanding population of young children in the immediate area and the problem of childhood obesity on the rise, the inexpensive, junk food options sold by establishments such as Dunkin’ donuts and 7-11 (which advertise and appeal to children) will have a harmful impact on our children’s health and well-being
· We strongly prefer food establishments that offer more healthy, natural and organic options
· We are concerned that corporately-owned/franchised chain stores in the Seward Park retail strip is inconsistent with the independent retail establishments that populate our properties
We respectfully request that the Seward Park Board of Directors call a shareholder meeting to address this decision before a final decision on the matter is made.
Please sign this petition along with your full name and apartment number ASAP. Leases are planned to be signed by Friday so we must act fast and present this to the board.
As of now we have 357 signatures and the number continues to rise!The local press has been involved and we appreciate all of their
support on getting the word out:
Right now we need to focus on emailing and calling the board and
management directly. I know you all are very busy, but if you have a
few minutes to email these people directly, the impact will
will encourage them to meet with us. The board members must listen to
their shareholders and they have been elected to represent us, not go
against us.
What I feel would be the best solution is that we are granted at least
a 3-4 month period in which we will scout for alternatives stores that
would be a better fit for our neighborhood.
With all of our resources, we can work together to attract the right
store and bring in more rent for the coop; a win-win.
Here are the emails of the board members and management that we need
emails sent to asap
If you have the time to call and leave messages for the board members;
that would be amazing!
To leave a voicemail: Call 1-212-979-1480 and enter the voicemail box
Eric Mandelbaum President 200
Carlos Rosado 1st Vice President 202
Harold Aranoff 2nd Vice President 210
Michael Tumminia Treasurer 204
Jodi Zagoory Secretary 205
Carol Anastasio Asst. Secretary 209
Wei-Li Tjong Director 208
Karen Wolfson Director 203
Geordan Goldstein Director 207
Charles Lieberman Director 206
John Ryan Director 201
Thank you all for your support; together we can work to find a better solution.
Auguste Olson
All of our hard work is grabbing the attention of the board! A special meeting is scheduled for next week (I dont know when and where) to talk about the increasing opposition to their decision.
Please keep the signatures coming!!!
Congratulations! WOO-HOO! Yipeeee!
Thank you