BC WOLVES ARE UNDER ATTACK — YOU ARE THEIR VOICE In British Columbia a no-quota, all-year wolf hunt has begun. It overlaps whelping season as females nurse pups. Baiting is permitted. The government will go to any length to appease livestock interests — even though wolves statistically account for a marginal loss of farmed animals. In the same region, an experiment is underway to sterilize and kill wolves so hunters have more caribou and elk to shoot. BC wolves are under attack, just like western gray wolves in the U.S. Saving our beautiful wildlife rather than murdering it IS the FUTURE. Many jobs and a new way of thinking can be created by saving the wolf. We the people DEMAND that all world leaders consider a new no- kill and innovative wildlife plan. We the people are sickened by your barbaric and unnecessary slaughter for whatever gain. "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way it's animals are treated". Gandhi