Put an end to Yulin Dogmeat Festival NOW!

Join the hundreds of thousands of advocates who have taken action against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. Please sign and share our petition now to urge the Yulin authorities to intervene and end mass dog slaughter in the name of a festival. The T-shirts “ Friends or Food “ can be obtained at the website www.teeyoot.com/Delwin.
A new report from Humane Society International (HSI) found the slaughter continues all-year-round in Yulin, with an estimated 300 dogs being butchered each day. During the festival alone, it is estimated that 10,000 to 15,000 dogs are consumed. Pictures and video footage taken show dogs and cats crammed into tiny cages. Many of them had collars, indicating they are pets who had been stolen from families.
"To slaughter a dog, workers use iron tongs to pull the animal out by the neck. A metal or wooden stick is used to hit its head to stop it fighting. Then the worker cuts open the dog's throat to let out the blood. The dog is then thrown into a spinning de-hairing machine. The most brutal part of the slaughter is that killing is conducted in front of the terrified dogs who witness the entire process of a dog's brutal death, its disembowelment, cleaning and blowtorching." - Peter J.Li, Journalist
With the success of the previous awareness campaign with WWF Malaysia, Delwin Cheah is launching a new T-shirt designed by himself to fundraise for his “Friends or Food” campaign, in conjunction with the Yulin Dogmeat Festival. Part of the proceeds from the T-shirt sale will be donated to Humane Society International (HSI) China to save the dogs from the dining table and to raise awareness against Yulin Dogmeat Festival.