Campaign for Racial Equality at Oxford University

I took New College, Oxford University to Employment Tribunal. I have proof that New College management lied under oath and that they have no commitment to Equal Opportunities whatsoever. They are flouting the Race Relations Act (amendment 2000). New College claim that they adhere to the Oxford University Equal Opportunities Policy. The New College HR officer was questioned in the tribunal about the specific duties of Higher Education Institutes to carry out monitoring and impact assessments but she had no idea what it meant. Her response was: ‘I treat everyone the same’. Clearly she does not. If New College had been carrying out the monitoring and impact assessments which are required by law, they may have realised that they were discriminating against Black people in their employment procedures, including recruitment, access to training, disciplinary actions and promotion. New College website states that they adhere to the Oxford University Equal Opportunity Policy. The Oxford University Equality Officer has said that there are no impact assessments being carried out in the colleges within Oxford University, they are only being carried out in selected departments at Oxford University. They have yet to publish the results of these. Therefore it is clear that Oxford University itself is breaking the law according to the Race Relations Act (amendment 2000). The failure of Oxford University to attract and recruit Black students is widely documented. Their blatant flouting of the law is obviously adversely affecting both Black students and Black employees. Demands: What we hope to achieve 1. That the EHRC use their enforcement powers at Oxford University and its constituent colleges to ensure that they are adhering to their specific duties according to the Race Relations Act (amendment 2000) 2. That New College provide evidence of investigating the allegations of racial discrimination made by Gregory Lewis 3. That Oxford University publish all statistics relating to students and staff, separately for each college as well as collectively as a university, according to racial groups, ensuring that there are separate categories for Black African Caribbean, Black African, Black Caribbean and Black British