Radio "Liberty" Chechen language version

Ladies and Gentlemen,
At the present stage, for our people, your policy support is very important to democratic achievements in the freedom of expression and the ability to broadcast a news stream in the Chechen language.
While in forced exile, we cannot create executive authority which would allow us to keep the native language in proceedings, training and speaking. We do not have the necessary resources to establish independent radio and TV shows. In this light, the opening of Radio Liberty’s Chechen language version was a prominent and important event for all Chechens, without exception.
On January 24 2012, a no less important or significant event occurred for Chechens. On this day, Radio Liberty’s Chechen edition opened its information portal in the Chechen language. It is the only radio channel in Europe, and the world, which broadcasts the Chechen language.
Radio Marsho is the only way to find out uncensored news about us. It is necessary to emphasize the high level of professional journalists leading the program. Deep knowledge of the subjects and topics, as well as their command of the Chechen language. It enriches us, and it is encouraging that we are not lost in this world.
The best of its strength and abilities, the objective and independent Radio Marsho tries to convey to listeners different political views and trends, information on the socio-political processes in Chechnya and the North Caucasus, as well as the world in general. It provides access to those who was closed off and illuminates the issues that were distorted and biased.
We appeal to you to save this little island of freedom of speech which is loved by the Chechen diaspora around the world. It is the only opportunity to broadcast in the Chechen language and it brings us objective information about our country, as pure and unfathomable as the ocean.
We are grateful to you for this opportunity and we ask you, ladies and gentlemen, to make every effort, within your capabilities, to enhance broadcasting in the Chechen language. The Chechen edition of Radio Liberty is for us the only one in the world which broadcasts in our native language. The Chechen edition of Radio Liberty gives us hope that the crimes of the system will not be concealed and those responsible for these iniquities will someday receive a fair punishment.
Today, the Chechen edition of Radio Liberty is needed more than ever, as the hundreds of thousands of Chechens who have moved to Europe during the war at home depend on it. We need this breath of air language by providing it more time to broadcast in Chechen language, and it would be unfair, if you do not to allow more to reveal the edition of Radio Liberty in Chechen language.
We have hundreds of thousands scattered throughout the world, and half a million Chechens in the homeland. We ask you to lend us a hand, and give us the opportunity to expand its current 20 minute broadcast a day, to at least several times a day: morning, afternoon and the evening for 20 minutes.
We understand that it will form an additional financial burden, but these costs will pay off in the face of two million grateful Chechens, thus allowing them to come closer to the values that the U.S. government advocates. Saved up every dollar in the Chechen language edition tomorrow will cost many billions of dollars of costs to curb radicalization and localization of conflict in the North Caucasus.
Today there is still a chance to master the minds of the two million Chechen people, but for this we need your help!
Please accept our highest consideration and deepest respect.