Keep Domestic Cricket on Radio Sport

The New Zealand summer. The pohutakawa tree, swimming at the beach and jandals. All set to the backdrop of cricket on the radio.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
This has been the way it's been for decades, but now this lifestyle is at an end. It has been announced that there will be no Radio Sport coverage of Plunket Shield cricket this summer.
Instead score updates will besourced from internet scoring provided on New Zealand Cricket's website.
Instead we will have to sit through the Farming Show, and the lowest common denominator of talkback.
Clearly, this is a situation that cannot be allowed to proceed. Cricket is a sport that is made for radio commentary; it is the perfect backdrop to that other great NZ tradition of painting house roofs. Can someone please think of the roofs.
It's time to speak up on this.
So, following the success of online petitions in keeping the FA Cup on NZ TV and shifting the Crowd Goes Wild back into a respectable hour we ask you to give this some support.