Eric Hess 0

Reinstate Employment of Professor Beth Gallant at Lehigh University

524 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Eric Hess 0 Comments
524 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

One of Lehigh's finest, most passionate and dedicated marketing professors of 11 years is being fired at the end of this semester. Professor Beth Gallant, a second generation Lehigh Alum, always takes a personal interest in her students’ success while at Lehigh and after graduation. She is being terminated at semesters end. The administrations reasoning for continuing with this decision violate Lehigh’s Principles of Our Equitable Community. Please help us stand up against this unwarranted termination and prove Professor Gallant’s importance to the Lehigh Student Body and Alumni.We are a group of students committed to supporting Beth. If you feel as strongly as we do, we encourage you to email us your personal experiences and testimonials. More voices heard, more change seen. Please send to

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