Reverse the Rent Cap Galway

A Galway campaign group has been established to draw attention to the new lower rent thresholds introduced in budget 2012 and the devastating impact that such a measure has had on families and individuals throughout the Galway region dependent on rent supplement. The group intends to outreach and garner support from all those affected by this and lobby the government to reverse this unfair austerity measure. They have organised a major rally this week to take place in the Harbour Hotel on Thursday evening at 8pm. Spokesperson for the group and Sinn Féin Senator Trevor ó Clochartaigh stated, “On Friday last we had a very informative meeting and discussion in the Clybaun Hotel. Those in attendance shared their own personal stories of how they have been left struggling as a result of the new lower rent thresholds. Again it was raised that although announced in budget 2012, it is only now that families and individuals are receiving their review letters which directs them to ensure their accommodation falls below these new, restrictive rent caps.” “Everyone committed themselves to the campaign and agreed that it was necessary to hold another public meeting this Thursday. The decision was made to hold the meeting in the City Centre so as to make it easier for others to attend. Consensus was also reached on the need to garner large scale support and make sure all those affected have the opportunity to stand united in opposition”. Senator ó Clochartaigh concluded, “I am appealing for all those, regardless of political allegiance or persuasion to attend our meeting and add weight to this campaign that needs urgent attention. I am also appealing specifically to our Galway West government TD’s to address those in the Harbour Hotel and explain to those who face eviction from their homes the rationale behind this cruel cost cutting measure. We would hope that on hearing the devastating personal truth behind these new lower rent thresholds, our Galway deputies will do the right thing and use their influence and positions to have this measure reversed. Ultimately, the pain and turmoil caused to rent supplement recipients far outweighs the predicted €22 million it might save the government.”