Attention Republicans: Either support Ron Paul for the Republican Nomination or the 2012 Election is Lost

The Republican primaries are underway, and it’s becoming increasingly apparent that the candidates fall into two distinct camps. The big government, small principled candidates churned out by the GOP machine every four years, and then there’s Ron Paul. Recently there’s been a ton of talk, unsurprisingly, about “electability”, and it is continually brought up that although the GOP and their base have a newfound respect for many of the principles espoused by the good doctor, he’s unelectable. Well I think it’s time we turned the tables, I say any candidate offered up by the GOP who isn’t Dr. Paul will lose against Barack Obama in 2012. Why? Because, while many are worried about the reelection of Barrack Obama, we as Ron Paul supporters, don’t see the distinction between big government Democrats and big government Republicans. So if Republicans feel inclined to ignore The Revolution taking place, I for one will write in Ron Paul and am asking all Paul supporters to do the same, so the GOP can see the number of votes they’d be losing. For the partisan hacks in the GOP, defeating the current administration is their main concern, well pay attention, because this is the number of votes you stand to lose in the upcoming election, I throw my full support behind this petition by being the first signee. In liberty,