Revitalise the Runescape Wilderness

By signing this petition, I meet the following conditions and agree with the following statements:
1. I am a paying member of Runescape OR I was once a paying member, having since retired, and would likely re-engage with the game if this petition is successful OR I am a free player who would likely purchase membership if this petition is successful.
2. I believe that the wilderness, PVP-clans and player-killing in Runescape are in a dire condition due to years of neglect from Jagex, and that the situation is deteriorating rapidly.
3. The decline in the activity of the wilderness has significantly affected my enjoyment of the game.
4. I have seen the Runescape video "The Wilderness: An Unauthorized Biography" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU8-mtY5ZKg) and agree with all of its main points.
5. I am in full support of the proposal for revitalisation set out in the Appendix to "The Wilderness: An Unauthorized Biography" (http://www.wildernessguardians.com/his_lordship/AppendixFinal.pdf) and I am urging Jagex to implement the proposed changes as one of their top priorities.
6. I believe that the suggestions outlined in the appendix must be realised as soon as possible, because there is a limited time frame before wilderness activity falls below a point of no return, and this point is fast approaching.
7. My enjoyment of the game and time spent playing Runescape will significantly increase if the suggested changes are implemented.