Safe Pedestrian Access into the Ruakura Campus from Ruakura Road

Two years on, and the battle continues.
While efforts were made on Ruakura Road to improve the safety, a slight extension of foot path and an Island crossing, this is by no means ideal considering the planned developments in the area.
This is your last opportunity for you and your group to ask HCC for a safe traffic light push button ped-crossing across Ruakura Road at the Ruakura Campus.
Hundreds of people work and study at the Ruakura Campus and Innovation Park, including children who attend either the Tai Wananga School or Melody Childcare Center. The campus is also used as a thorough fare for school and university students from around the local suburbs. Many also use the site for recreation.
There are two access gates into the campus, the "official main gate" off Bisley Road and a second access gate off Ruakura Road. The Ruakura Road entrance is arguably the most popular and most dangerous entrance. Ruakura Road is extremely busy throughout the day with a high speed limit of 60 kph. There is no footpath on the campus side of the road and no safe crossing for pedestrian access into the campus.
It is a complicated area to develop as currently NZTA control the road, Tainui Group Holdings have long term plans awaiting approval, but in the mean time we risk our lives everyday trying to access this gate. The pedestrian advocacy group, Living Streets Hamilton, and site service's manager, Mike King, have already raised concerns around this entrance and are in discussions around development. The HCC draft annual plan 2014/15 has now been drawn up and is open for submissions until 2 May 2014
This petition is desperately needed to highlight the urgency required around this development, to rally support for a safe pedestrian access into the campus from Ruakura Rd and will be submitted to HCC, as well as NZTA and Tainui Group Holdings if necessary.