No Fast Food Drive Thru at Quail Corners

We, the residents of the Park - Quail neighborhoods and concerned area citizens, strongly support Crosland Development in remodeling and expanding the size of retail space at Quail Corners.
However, in keeping with the original agreement made with us by Crosland in 1979, we DO NOT support any fast-food drive-thru restaurants on the property.
The likelihood of traffic injury to area schoolchildren is of much greater risk today, due to sharply increased traffic flow on Park Road.
The primary entrance to Quail Corners, Hamlin Park Drive, is already very congested due to traffic into and out of the center, and would only be made worse by adding a high volume drive-thru restaurant.
As City of Charlotte planning staff has pointed out in it's official analysis of the rezoning request, the addition of a fast-food drive-thru restaurant at Quail Corners is inconsistent with the South District Plan.
Therefore, we ask the Charlotte City Council to uphold its legal duty to reject this portion of Crosland's rezoning request based on its obligation to follow land use planning guidelines, in addition to respecting the overwhelming safety and livability concerns of members of the Park –Quail Community.
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