Act now. Safety in WI State Parks is Threatened. Act 168

Will you ride your bicycle, walk your
dog or hike where hunters trap & shoot?
In March of 2012 Wisconsin passed a law, ACT 168, that allows hunters, fishers and trappers to share up to 80% of each state park with all other users for more than 7 months each year. There are safety, legal, environmental, and economic concerns. Most hunters are against Act 168 for many reasons, including increased liability.
Requiring hunters to stay at least 100 yards from a designated use area is not safe, considering some bullets can travel over 1000 yards and other users are not required to stay on designated trails and roads.
On Oct 11, 2011, the public session for AB 311 about hunting in Wisconsin did not include “state parks shall be open to hunting, fishing, and trapping”.
Amendment 4 was offered to AB311 on Oct. 20, 2011 by Rep. Jeffrey Mursau to include “state parks shall be open to hunting, fishing, and trapping” and this was 9 days after the 10-11-11 public hearing.
AB 311 was passed in the WI State Assembly on Nov. 1, 2011 without the state parks amendment and was rewritten on Nov. 2, 2011 to include this language.
Therefore, for the safety of year round recreational users in WI State Parks, we ask the DNR Board to delay the implementation of Act 168 until safety and legal issues are resolved.
please note: There is no fee to sign the petition and safe parks is not requesting a donation. After you sign, it is your choice to donate to ipetitions.