Save Sankey road trees, lake, park and playground

Save Sankey roadside trees, lake, park and playground
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/sankey/newly created on Wed,March 09, 2011
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/4/say-no-to-sankey-road-widening/created onMay 13, 2010
Last update: Saturday, December 03, 2011 @ 08:50 AM / hours IST
Sankey Road set to lose 445 trees- Deccan Herald - Saturday, March 05, 2011
The Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) is all set to axe 445 trees on the picturesque Sankey Road, ignoring protests from the Green Brigade.
The green canopy in the area will soon be history towiden the road from Yeswanthpura Circle to the Cauvery Theatre.
BBMP stand
The project will also raze a temple, educational institutions and some government buildings.
Road will be widened from the existing width of 12 metres to 15 metres at Rs 21.77 crore, to make a 2.6- km-long signal free corridor with a 30-metre to 45-metre wide road.
This project is part of the BBMP's plan to widen 220 roads in the city.
Dr Meenakshi Bharath of the Citizens' Action Forum (CAF)is convinced that there is absolutely no need to widen the road. The Citizens' Action Forum (CAF)and residents of Malleshwaram have warned the Palike of strong protests against the proposed tree felling.
BBMP axe threatens green canopyDeccan Herald, Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Bangalore City to lose more green cover - DH Photo
The Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP)'s road-widening axe is about to strike down yet another piece of green history. The green canopy on Sankey Road - from Cauvery Theatre Circle to Bhashyam Circle at Malleswaram - that people used to enjoy is destined to be felled soon.
The nod for the road-widening project from the Cauvery Theatre to Yeshwanthapur had come five years ago (in 2006). But now, the Palike wants the project to go ahead under its Vision-2015 programme.
Rs 25 crore's been sanctionedand the contracts have been awarded.
Palike sources say the plan is to widen the road by 30 ft x 15 ft on both sides. That means most trees on the footpaths will face the axe.
But a survey on how many trees will be felled hasn't been done yet. BBMP tree officer hasn't got the detailed project report. Nor has he been assigned the task of counting the trees that will be felled.
However, Sankey Road residents and environmentalists aren't impressed.
Malleswaram Residents' Welfare Association member Chandrashekhar questioned the project's rationale, since the road is already wide.
Vijay Kumar, Sankey Park Walkers' Association secretary, pointed out that the BBMP plan to plant saplings in five years has remained on paper.
The Karnataka Park Preservation Act, 1975, Karnataka Parks, Playfields and OpenSpaces Rules, 1985, Karnataka Parks, Playfields and OpenSpaces Act, 1985, prohibit construction of buildings or structures that affect a park's utillity. As it amounts to a change of land use, a public notification should be made under the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act 1961.
Bangalore civic body set to widen Sankey Road despite stiffresistance : DNA- Daily News & Analysis - Saturday, Mar 05, 2011, 8:26 IST
Residents of the area and environmentalists have resisted the widening of the Sankey Road. Despite the staunch resistance, however, the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has decided to widen the road by fellingmore than400 trees.
The widening will also involve raising the level of the land adjoining the road, which at present is about six feet deeper than the road.
In all, 19 properties adjoining the road will have to be acquired, some of which are government-owned. RCC walls would be constructed to elevate the land to the height of the road; the work is likely to cost at least Rs 21 crore.
A BBMP official said that the road from Yeshwantpur Circle to Cauvery Theatre, a stretch of 2.6 km, would be widened. While the existing width of the road is 10.5-25.4 metres, after widening, it would be 30-45 metres. Nearly 445 trees will face the axe.
Panel for widening Sankey RoadThe Hindu - Monday, March 07, 2011
Project will cost Rs. 29 cr.
445 trees likely to be felled
Garden city looks set to lose more green cover. The Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) Standing Committee for Major Works stressed the need to widen Sankey Road (between Bhashyam Circle and Malleswaram 18th Cross Junction) and to build an underpass at Bhashyam Circle. This entails the felling of 445 trees.
Thewidening of the 2.6-km stretch would cost Rs. 29.94 crore. The width ranges between 10.5 metres at some spots and 25.4 metres. Depending on availability of land, this will increase to 30 m and 45 m.
The civic authority will have to acquire 19 properties and recover encroached government and BBMP properties.
The road-widening, when it was first proposed, had attracted the ire of the city's green activists and several resident welfare associations.
Garage may be made mandatory to own carDeccan Herald Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Legal framework proposed to reduce vehicular population in Bangalore
Residents should be prohibited from purchasing and/or owning a car unless and until they have a garage to park the vehicle.
A rule should be enacted, implemented and enforced to prohibit people from owning a four-wheeler if they do not have a garage.
There need to be some laws that make owning private vehicles more difficult so as to reduce thevehicular population and increase theuse of public transport.
Cause of congestion
There were about 7.5 million people and 3.75 million vehicles inBangalore City. About 6,000 buses facilitate travel of four million people while autos transport about two million. The balance of two million people own about 3.7 million vehicles leading to congestion.
Public transport, buses for instance, must be attractive, comfortable, clean, safe and have an environmental profile, speed to take passengers quickly, traffic information and direct connectivity.
Road widening proposal in Bangalore hits a roadblock - Bangalore - DNATuesday, May 11, 2010 10:52 IST
A road-widening proposal of the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) at Sankey Tank under its Vision-2015 has hit a roadblock, as residents staged a protest against the destruction of green canopy in the area. Considering the increasing heat, residents say, any plan that further depletes the city's green cover cannot be allowed to pass. Dr Rajan Balasubramaniam, a radiologist and a committee member of the Lower Palace Orchard Residents' Welfare Association, spoke to DNA
Are road-widening programmes entirely without benefit to the area's residents?
All development programmes have both positive and negative sides. But widening of the stretch between Cauvery Theatre Circle and Bhashyam Circle is of absolutely no benefit. Any road widening will be inconsequential after some time, considering the steadily increasing vehicular traffic. We can't go on building overpasses at every junction, just because the BBMP wants to have a signal-free corridor. These only serve to shift the traffic pile-up to the next junction.
Do you agree with Aramane Nagar corporator Dr Shivaprasad's statement that "people have to suffer in the course of development"?
I am not sure of the context in which he said that. In the specific context of road-widening, it is not just 'some people' but all Bangaloreans who will suffer. We all will need to pay a huge price for unjustifiable destruction of trees. Most of the green cover in Bangalore is along its main roads. And these trees now face the axe, thanks to the BBMP's Vision- 2015. We are already facing the consequences of tree loss in terms of decreasing rainfall, erratic weather patterns and increasing mercury levels.
Do you think increased vehicular traffic on the proposed corridor could pose a threat?
Definitely. Just see how many pedestrian deaths have been reported from the stretch leading to the new airport. Pedestrians experience difficulty in measuring the speed of an oncoming vehicle; getting across three lanes of traffic to reach the median is no mean feat. There are four schools in the vicinity, and the problem is compounded by the large number of kids. One can't build pedestrian underpasses at every few metres. Apart from this, there are a considerable number of senior citizens in the area. They need to cross the road to access the Sankey Park. I am not saying the existing road is easy to cross, but the widening of it will double the problem. Bangalore is one of the world's most pedestrian unfriendly cities.
Could you suggest an alternative plan for the BBMP to consider?
The long-term solution is good mass transport.
Mission: Save trees- Bangalore Mirror Monday, May 10, 2010
Bangalore Mirror Bureau Posted On Monday, May 10, 2010 at 05:31:37 AM
Chopping more than 150 trees to prevent a 1.5 km detour! Is this sane?
This is the question that seven residents' welfare organisations (RWAs) have been asking ever since the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) drew up plans to widen Sankey Road from Cauvery Theatre Junction to IISc Junction. The BBMP reasons that widening Sankey Road will not only ease traffic pressure on the parallel C V Raman Road but also save time for motorists heading towards Yeshwanthpur from the centre of the city.
But the residents are not enthused. They feel road-widening is not necessary here as the road is wide enough already.
Equating the project to a massacre of trees, the RWAs staged a demonstration on Sunday, May 09, 2010evening at Sankey Tank under the banner of Save Sankey Road and Park Forum and demanded the BBMP not to cut the trees.
At a press conference at the protest, the Forum's member Dr Rajan said, "I drove from Cauvery theater to Indian Institute of Science (IISc) via Sankey Road which is only 2.4 kilometers. And I drove from Cauvery theater to IISc via C V Raman Road which is about 3.4 kilometers. To save this one kilometer drive, the officials are cutting down 150 fully grown trees along with another 115 smaller trees. A six lane highway is not needed here as there is no traffic congestion."
Sankey Park Walkers Association Secretary Vijaya Kumar said, "The tank is about 175 acres and over 7,000-8,000 people come to walk here daily. On weekends, the numbers almost double. The lake was developed only about three to four years ago (in 2007/2006)and this walking track was added only then. If this road widening is going to take away this walking track, then why make it at all in the first place? This is not fair."
Protest against six-lane corridor in Malleswaram The Hindu MondayMay 10, 2010
More than 300 residents take out procession
COMING TOGETHER FOR A CAUSE: Residents staging a protest against widening of Sankey Road, in Bangalore on Sunday, May 9, 2010. - Photo: Bhagya Prakash K.
More than 300 residents of Malleswaram and adjoining areas came together here on Sunday, May 09, 2010evening to protest against the proposed six-lane corridor from Cauvery Junction to Yeshwanthpur, which is expected to result in chopping of about 150 well-grown trees.
The protest was a joint initiative of seven resident welfare associations in Malleswaram under the Save Sankey Road and Park Forum, and the residents took out a protest march from the Sankey Tank via Bhashyam Circle to return to the tank. The forum members have decided to submit a petition to the Chief Minister, the Mayor, among others.
They expressed concern over the possibility of 150 trees being axed for the project, which may affect the sensitive biodiversity of Sankey Tank.
"How will this six-lane signal-free corridor be implemented with the presence of four major traffic junctions - Malleswaram 18th Cross, Bhashyam Signal, Maramma Circle and Cauvery Junction?" asked Rajan Balasubramanian of the Lower Palace Orchards Residents' Welfare Association.
The protestors also expressed concern over the threat faced by pedestrians, especially students of four schools located in the vicinity - Stella Maris, Poorna Prajna Education Centre, Kendriya Vidyalaya and the Government Boys' School. They also alleged that the cost of the project had escalated from Rs. 30 crore to Rs. 33 crore due to re-tendering.
Vijay Kumar, secretary of the Sankey Park Walkers' Association, called the project unscientific and said the Government and the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) should consult the public before undertaking it, as the funds used for it came from the tax payer's pocket.
They also decided to stage a protest on Sunday, May 16, 2010next against the felling of trees by a petroleum outlet on Sankey Road.
Residents protest road wideningDeccan Herald Monday, May 10, 2010
Residents under the banner of Save Sankey Road and Park Forum taking out a protest rally near Sankey Tank on Sunday, May 9, 2010. - Deccan Herald Photo
Hundreds of people formed a human chain on Sunday, May 10, 2010evening at the Sankey Tank to protest the proposed widening of road from Cauvery Theatre junction to Yeshwanthpur.
The Sankey Tank park near Malleswaram 18th Cross was flooded with posters and banners underlining the impact of the proposed project. The widening entails felling of about 150 trees on both sides of the stretch, besides occupying a good portion of the historic tank.
The protesters - members of seven different organisations came under an umbrella body - Save Sankey Road and Tank Forum apprehended that the project would destroy the beauty of one of the posh localities of the City.
Later, addressing the gathering, the office-bearer of the Forum, Dr Rajan said people from all walks of life have come together to save Sankey Road and Park.
He called upon people to participate in the movement to oppose the road widening project as it would adversely affect the biodiversity in and around the Sankey Tank.
He said the six-lane road from Cauvery Theatre junction to Yeshwanthapur lacks an integrated plan. The road will be 30 meters wide up to the CNR Rao Circle and thereafter 45 meters up to Yeshwanthapur, said Dr Rajan.
Rationale questioned
He questioned the rationale of the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike in constructing a six-lane high-speed corridor in a residential area and sought to know whether pedestrians' safety has been factored in while designing the project plan.
Dr Rajan said the Forum had sought Detailed Project Report (DPR) from BBMP under Right to Information Act and nothing has been heard even after lapse of three weeks.
Not a solution
Dr Meenakshi Bharath said tree-felling should not be a solution to avoid traffic jams. Tree-feeling would lead to ecological imbalance in the surrounding areas.
Efforts to meet officials too proved futile as they did not bother to give time to meet the Forum members and the residents of Sadashivanagar, Vyalikaval, Malleswaram had no other option but to stage a protest. Following the efforts of Corporator Shivaprasad to break the ice BBMP chief engineer Chikkarayappa, after much persuasion, agreed to meet the aggrieved residents. The residents are also exploring legal options as well.
BBMP to fell 100 trees on Sankey Rd | Deccan Chronicle | 2010-05-10-Deccan Chronicle Monday, May 10, 2010
Agitated over the road-widening work which is likely to destroy an entire tree-lined avenue, members of Sankey Park Walkers' Association went on a protest on Sunday, May 9, 2010.
The road-widening project from Cauvery Theatre to Yeshwanthpur is being carried out by BBMP as part of its Vision-2015 programme. Several of these trees on both sides of the road were planted in the early 20th century.
Sankey Park Walkers Association secretary B.R. Vijaya Kumar said that the arterial Sankey Road will lose its green cover if the road is widened.
"It is going to be a major ecological disaster given that Sankey Tank and surrounding areas cannot bear such a high level of vehicular pollution. It is estimated that almost 100 trees will be lost in the process of widening this road."
The BBMP has planned to widen the road by 30 ft x 15 ft on both sides which means most trees on the footpaths will face the axe.
"BBMP officials have already marked the places and the trees that will be demolished in the process of road widening. Moreover, the BBMP plan to plant saplings in five years has remained on paper. This will definitely disturb the ecological balance. We have already lost hundreds of trees because of the Metro rail project," added Mr Vijaya Kumar.
Malleswaram Residents' Welfare Association members also questioned the rationale behind executing the project as the road is already wide.
"All those trees on Chowdaih Road which is close to Indian Institute of Science will be chopped in the process," they said.
Old localities of Bengaluru like Malleswaram, Sadashivanagar and IISc will lose their lung space once the road is widened.
"We will not allow felling of trees whether the widening happens or not. We have submitted a memorandum to BBMP and will wait for the response," said a member.
The Association members also protested against the inadequate facilities provided by BBMP to pedestrians to cross the road after the road project was taken up.
RWAs to protest against Sankey Road widening today- Deccan Herald SundayMay 09, 2010
Proposed six-lane corridor entails felling of about 150 trees
A stretch of trees-lined Sankey Road - Deccan Herald Photo
Seven voluntary organisations and Resident Welfare Associations of Sankey Road, Sadashivanagar and Malleswaram staged a protest on Sunday, May 09, 2010 evening at Sankey Park against the proposed road widening project.
As many as 110 trees would be felled for widening Sankey Road. The seven organisations had talks with the public representatives and the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike officials insisting them to drop the project. However, when the talks failed, the organisations decided to stage a protest.
The members of Sankey Park Walkers' Association, Sadashivanagar Residents' Welfare Association, Lower Palace Orchards Residents' Welfare Association, Malleswaram Swabhimana Initiative, Hasiru Usiru, Working Professionals of Sadashivanagar and Gayathri Devi Park Residents' Welfare Association staged a protest under an umbrella organisation called 'Save Sankey Park and Road Forum'.
Members of all the Associations assembled at the Sankey Park and formed a human chain in protest against the proposed six lane corridor from Cauvery junction to the CNR Rao Circle.
Speaking to Deccan Herald Dr Rajan said, the proposed corridor at Sankey Road has been unscientifically planned.
Building a signal-free corridor despite the presence of major junctions - Cauvery magic box, Bhashyam signal, 18th cross junction and Maramma Circle - will have disastrous social and ecological consequences for the entire neighbourhood, he said.
Vijayakumar, a resident expressed concern that there were four major schools close to the proposed corridor and the safety of schoolchildren on the six-lane high speed corridor would be a major challenge.
According to the agitators the project will cause damage to the existing green cover on the Sankey Road. At least 100-150 fully grown trees on this stretch are in imminent danger of being felled. The long-term benefits of this corridor are questionable especially when the metro, monorail and HSRL corridors are being planned in the vicinity, said the members. They also apprehended that the project would cause damage to Sankey Lake.
Links to other related petitions on the road widening / widenings and underpasses in Bangalore
01) http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/no-to-road-widening-in-bangalore/
Say no to road widening Online! (http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/no-to-road-widening-in-bangalore)
Say No to Bangalore road widening Online
DNA: Bangalore - Bangalore road widening rage goes online - Aparajita Ray - Wednesday, August 11, 2010
02) http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/save-856-trees-jayamahal-road-bangalore/
03) http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/no-to-tagore-circle-underpass/
04) http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/save-pedestrian-infrastructure/
Condensed, unfeatured and text only versions of the above related petitions
01) Say no to road widening in Bangalorewas created by Syed Tanveeruddin and written by Syed Tanveeruddin http://www.petitiononline.com/roadwide/
02) Save 856 trees on Jayamahal Road in Bangalorewas created by Syed Tanveeruddin for the environmentally / ecologically conscious and concerned residents / citizens of Bangalore / Bengaluru / Karnataka / India / World and written by Syed Tanveeruddin on November 28, 2010 http://www.petitiononline.com/856trees/
03) Say no to Tagore Circle underpass in Bangalore was created by Basavanagudi Residents, Bangaloreand written by Syed Tanveeruddin inNovember 2009http://www.petitiononline.com/underpas/
Links to similar or related petitions by others
01) Save Sankey Road and Park created by Save Sankey Road and Park Forum and written by Forum Members http://www.petitiononline.com/sankey
02) Stop and re-evaluate illegal and irrational ongoing road-widening work in Bangalore was created by and written by Vinay Sreenivasa http://www.petitiononline.com/dntwiden/
TOP ARTICLE: A Streetcar Named Disaster Times of India, Friday,December 25, 2009
Cars are at the heart of urban traffic problems
In London, a congestion tax on private cars levied in decreasing radials from the town centre makes people think twice before embarking on a journey into town by car.
Prohibitive parking rates in Manhattan achieve much the same goal, making it unfeasible to use private cars. In Singapore, the registry of private vehicles takes the form of an auction.
The car is now symptomatic of all that is wrong with urban life: pollution, overcrowding, congestion and urban blight. The inability of city roads to accommodatecar has produced unmanageable congestion, jams and increasing time periods for travel.
With growing car populations and a distressing displacement of the pedestrian, there is a yawning disparity between the space required and the space available in the city.
Along the East Coast of the US, many communities like Reston and Columbia are designed only for pedestrians. Cars are restricted to lots closer to the highway.
This petition has been addressed to The Hon'ble Supreme Court (SC) of India, National Advisory Council (NAC), National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Karnataka State Human Rights Commission (KSHRC), President, Prime Minister (PM), Karnataka Governor / Guv, Karnataka Chief Minister (CM), Karnataka Chief Secretary (CS), Karnataka Forest Department (KFD), Bruhat / Bruhath Bangalore / Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP), Bangalore Development Authority (BDA), Union Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Karnataka Lokayukta, Agenda for Bangalore / Bengaluru Infrastructure development (ABIDe) and Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT), Bangalore Metropolitan Region Development Authority (BMRDA) and Bangalore Metropolitan Land Transport Authority (BMLTA), Karnataka Urban Development Department (KUDD), Karnataka Transport Department (KTD), Members of Parliament (MPs), Members of Legislative Assembly / Council (MLAs / MLCs), Mayor & Corporators / Councillors.
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/sankey/ newly created on Wed, March 09, 2011 & updated on Thursday, Deember 01, 2011 @ 08:10 hours IST
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/4/say-no-to-sankey-road-widening/ created on May 13, 2010 & updated on Thursday, December 01, 2011 @ 08:10 hours IST
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/save1223trees/ newly created on Thu, March 10, 2011 & updated on Sat, March 12, 2011 @ 01:55 hrs Indian Std. Time
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/save-856-trees-jayamahal-road-bangalore/ created on Sun, Nov 28, 2010 & updated on Fri, March 11, 2011 @ 02:05 hrs Indian Std. Time
Sankey Road set to lose 445 trees - Deccan Herald - Saturday, March 5, 2011 http://www.deccanherald.com/content/143292/sankey-road-set-lose-445.html
BBMP axe threatens green canopy Deccan Herald, Tuesday, March 2, 2010
http://www.deccanherald.com/content/55742/bbmp-axe-threatens-green-canopy.html Bangalore City to lose more green cover - DH Photo The Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP)'s road-widening axe is about to strike down yet another piece of green history. The green canopy on Sankey Road - from Cauvery Theatre Circle to Bhashyam Circle at Malleswaram - that people used to enjoy is destined to be felled soon.
Bangalore civic body set to widen Sankey Road despite stiff resistance : DNA - Daily News & Analysis - Saturday, Mar 5, 2011, 8:26 IST http://www.dnaindia.com/bangalore/report_bangalore-civic-body-set-to-widen-sankey-road-despite-stiff-resistance_1515704
Panel for widening Sankey Road The Hindu - Monday, March 7, 2011
Project will cost Rs. 29 cr.
445 trees likely to be felled
Road widening proposal in Bangalore hits a roadblock - Bangalore - DNA Tuesday, May 11, 2010 10:52 IST http://www.dnaindia.com/bangalore/interview_road-widening-proposal-in-bangalore-hits-a-roadblock_1381679
Mission: Save trees - Bangalore Mirror Monday, May 10, 2010 Chopping more than 150 trees to prevent a 1.5 km detour! Is this sane
Protest against six-lane corridor in Malleswaram The Hindu Monday May 10, 2010 http://www.hindu.com/2010/05/10/stories/2010051059380300.htm
More than 300 residents take out procession
COMING TOGETHER FOR A CAUSE: Residents staging a protest against widening of Sankey Road, in Bangalore on Sunday. - Photo: Bhagya Prakash K.
Residents protest road widening Deccan Herald Monday, May 10, 2010 http://www.deccanherald.com/content/68604/residents-protest-road-widening.html Residents under the banner of Save Sankey Road and Park Forum taking out a protest rally near Sankey Tank on Sunday. - Deccan Herald Photo
BBMP to fell 100 trees on Sankey Rd | Deccan Chronicle | 2010-05-10 - Deccan Chronicle Monday, May 10, 2010 http://www.deccanchronicle.com/bengaluru/bbmp-fell-100-trees-sankey-rd-395
RWAs to protest against Sankey Road widening today - Deccan Herald Sunday May 9, 2010 http://www.deccanherald.com/content/68420/rwas-protest-against-sankey-road.html Proposed six-lane corridor entails felling of about 445 trees A stretch of trees-lined Sankey Road - Deccan Herald Photo Seven voluntary organisations and Resident Welfare Associations of Sankey Road, Sadashivanagar and Malleswaram staged a protest on Sunday, May 9, 2010 evening at Sankey Park against the proposed road widening project.
Say no to road widening Online! (http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/no-to-road-widening-in-bangalore)
Say No to Bangalore road widening Online http://www.commonfloor.com/stories/say-no-to-bangalore-road-widening-online-506
Links to the condensed, unfeatured and text only versions of the above related petitions have been given / provided below with a brief description
Say no to road widening in Bangalore
Save 856 trees on Jayamahal Road in Bangalore
Say no to Tagore Circle underpass in Bangalore
TOP ARTICLE: A Streetcar Named Disaster Times of India, Friday, December 25, 2009 http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/opinion/edit-page/A-Streetcar-Named-Disaster/articleshow/5375129.cms Cars are at the heart of urban traffic problems