RE: Hardenbrook-Somarindyck House at 135 Bowery
TO: Margaret Chin, NYC Council Member, District 1; Brad Lander, Chair, NYC Council Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Siting and Maritime Uses; Christine C. Quinn, NYC Council Speaker, and Members of the NYC Council
Whereas the New York City Council enacted the Landmarks Preservation Law in the City of New York and
Whereas the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission, in compliance with that law and its provisions, including holding a public hearing, found the Hardenbrook-Somarindyck House at 135 Bowery to be a building that has a special character or special historical or aesthetic interest or value as part of the development, heritage, or cultural characteristics of the city, state, or nation and
Whereas for those reasons the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission acted in compliance with the law to designate the Hardenbrook-Somarindyck House at 135 Bowery an individual landmark,
We, the undersigned citizens of the City of New York urge the New York City Council to respect the determination of the Landmarks Preservation Commission and vote to affirm and uphold the designation of the Hardenbrook-Somarindyck House at 135 Bowery as a New York City landmark.