Save B&BS - Say NO to Joe Berrios
Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios, without legislative changes, imposed a property tax class change on 23 Cook County Bed and Breakfasts from a 10% to a 25% tax rate with less than a full year's notice.
After numerous letters and requests, he has not changed his position even though:
1. He is not enacting this class change equally to any other non-hotel "vacation rental" properties. He is excluding licensed Vacation Rentals, unlicensed B&Bs, including thousands of Airbnb owners.
2. B&B owners, Chambers of Commerce, Aldermen and other lodging professionals have requested that any class change be within the 10% level comparable to other income-producing properties as Single Room Occupancy Hotels, rental properties with 10 units or less, or similar mixed use residential/commercial use properties (restaurant on first floor with apartments above it).
If this change is not rescinded permanently the licensed Bed and Breakfasts in Cook County will be forced to close by year's end. These are all small business owners, mostly minorities: individuals or couples, who offer personalized service in Chicago's neighborhoods to accommodate out-of-town family or friends.
Help us save the remaining 23 B&BS in Cook County - Tell Joe Berrios "NO" to this tax class change. Our next meeting with the Assessor's staff is on September 28th, please forward this petition to others.