Save Bomb Girls

Dear Global TV, Shaw Media, ReelzChannel, and any other involved parties:
We are thrilled at the idea of a Bomb Girls TV movie that can provide
closure to all the storylines we have followed so avidly over the past
two years, provided that Global will go through with this plan. We would
be incredibly grateful for the opportunity to say goodbye to Bomb Girls
with grace. We are depending on Global to follow through with the film to the very end. Let these signatures be a sign of our support and love for a
possible Bomb Girls movie.
We are also very supportive of the idea of DVDs of both the second season and the movie.
However, our passion burns bright, and we aren't ones to throw up our hands at the first rejection. We want a TV movie, but more than that, we want a season three. If these signatures tell you only how much Bomb Girls has been loved and pursued by so many people, we will be glad. But if it shows you that there will be support and ratings for a third season, so much the better.
And if a third party company became interested in partnering with ReelzChannel, we would be most pleased.
Bomb Girls is a smart, spectacularly acted, brilliantly written, and wholly unique television show among media today. We can't get enough of the strong female roles, the deep female friendships, and even the loving female romances. Of course, you make us love the male roles and male-female relationships (friendships and otherwise!) just as much. There is no equal for Bomb Girls and there should not be a gap where it fits so well.
We love Bomb Girls. We will never stop loving Bomb Girls. We plan to go down fighting.
Your Bombshells