Save Brass Monkey Heidelberg!
After 7 years of being a well established member of Heidelberg's social life the Brass Monkey has been ordered to close due to noise complaints from the former tenants in the apartment upstairs, even though they moved in years after the Brass Monkey was already up and running. This begs the question as to how one of the quietest bars in the area can be ordered to close like this.
Not only would the
closure of Brass Monkey deprive Heidelberg of one of its most iconic
establishments, but it could also pave the way for similar complaints
of pollution agsinst other bars and restaurants. This could
eventually threaten the long standing culture of Heidelberg
Altstadt's social life.
Update to avoid confusion: The aforementioned neighbors have moved out and the current neighbors are actually nice!
We the undersigned speak out against the closure of Brass Monkey.
Die Schließung des
Brass Monkey würde Heidelberg nicht nur eines seiner
charakteristischsten Lokale kosten, sondern auch ähnlichen Vorwürfen
gegenüber anderen Bars, Restaurants und Kneipen den Weg ebnen.
Letztendlich könnte dies die schon lange bestehende Altstadt-Kultur
Heidelbergs bedrohen.
Update um Verwirrungen vorzubeugen: Die genannten Nachbarn sind mittlerweile ausgezogen und die jetzigen Nachbarn sind nett!
Mit meiner Unterschrift spreche ich mich gegen die Schließung des Brass Monkey aus.