Save Cardington Airfield

NEW E-PETITION LAUNCHED HERE http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/39263 100,000 SIGNITURES TO RAISE THE MATTER AT PARLIAMENT.
Cardington Airfield is under threat of development.
The airship industry is growing, in this part of the world including Europe, areas suitable for constructing and flying large LTA vehicles is limited to 1 place, Cardington.
If this development is allowed to go ahead it will basically kill off an industry.
HAV (Hybrid Air Vehicles) and others need these buildings and airfield left intact to develop and fly airships, it is what these buildings and airfield were built for, if the plans go ahead it will mean that there will be no suitable facilities to construct large airships in the UK or Europe.
The site should be protected.
The issue is with airship production is you need a large building to construct service and maintain airships, you also need a large open field area to prepare them for flight and ground handling, this is why the airfield needs protecting, if it is built on it will end Cardington's long nearly 100 year association with airship development and excellence.
There is a lot of history associated with the sheds and the airfield at Cardington.
Save Cardington Airfield before its too late.
message Bedford Planning directly
The application numbers for the airfield
development are 11/02685/eia and 11/02686/eia Bedfords Planning department email is planning@bedford.gov.uk
email them your concerns on this development as well as signing this petition. remember if they build on
the airfield cardington will be useless for airships. it will end...
JOIN THE FIGHT ON FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/377309445629319/
Keep up to date on Twitter with the lastest news on Cardingtons fight for survival here @cardingtonsheds