Save Lefferts Place!

Dear Chair Tierney, The Lefferts Place Historic District has a great number of architectural significant homes and row houses that represent various parts of our community's rich history. While many of the homes and buildings on this street have been largely unchanged, since 2007 we have been experiencing increasing pressure from developers to either demolish existing buildings or build structures that are out of context. At present a developer has a valid permit from the New York City Department of Buildings to demolish a building on Lefferts Place which is one of the last remaining suburban villas in Brooklyn that dates back to the 1830s. The property was originally owned by Rem and Maria Lefferts and was most likely part of a larger farm that formed the cornerstone of our block. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to protect our community's rich architectural and historical history. Therefore we urge you to save Lefferts Place by landmarking the Lefferts Place Historic District.