Save Oswestry Library

Hello, I am Antonia Higgins, I am 15 years old and I live in Oswestry. A new topic has been brought to my attention and I fear the place I adore the most in Oswestry is going to be ruined. Shropshire Council is working with other public and voluntary sector organisations in Oswestry to create a ‘one-stop shop’, located in Oswestry Library. Expected to be up and running by April 2012, this will provide customers with access to a wide range of services and information in one place. Meaning that instead of having the council office next door, the library reception in Oswestry will now act as Shropshire Council's reception. I strongly oppose the idea that the entrance to my Library could now be over-crowded every day with people using the 'Council office'. As everybody is aware Libraries are a place of sanctuary and quiet, but with now more than 57 cases last year of verbal abuse reported against council officers at Shropshire council reception desks, the peace and quiet will disappear. Do we really want this in an environment where children & adults come to learn and take advantage of this fantastic facility? I do not think it is appropriate for young children to enter the library and hear adults talking about personal issues such as; housing and benefits. If this new 'one stop shop' is taken into action I now fear that the place in which I use to revise for my upcoming GCSE's will no longer be a decision for me. I will have to try and find somewhere better, but I highly doubt that will happen. Please sign my petition and stop this from happening. Twitter: @LibrarySave Email: saveoswestrylibrary@hotmail.co.uk