To: YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng
Address: Pejabat YAB. Ketua Menteri, Tingkat 28, KOMTAR, 10503 Penang, Malaysia.
Tel: 04-2614424
Fax: 04-2613003
Email: limguaneng@penang.gov.my
To: YB Tuan Chow Kon Yeow
Address: Pej. Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan, Tingkat 52, KOMTAR, 10503 Penang, Malaysia.
Tel: 04-2619888
Fax: 04-2618706
Email: chowkonyeow@penang.gov.my
To: Dr. Judy Shoba A/P Robert Raja
Address: Pengarah Perkhidmatan Perbandaran, Kesihatan Awam & Perlesenan, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Perbandaran, Kesihatan Awam & Perlesenan, Tingkat 4, Komtar, 10675 Pulau Pinang.
Tel: 04-2592189
Fax: 04-2626942
Email: judyshoba@mppp.gov.my
Name: Mr. Ong Ah Teong
Position: Penang Municipal Councilors
Email: atong07@streamyx.com
Name: Mr. Lim Cheng Hoe
Position: Penang Municipal Councilors
Email: chlim1976@live.com
We, the undersigned support the use of Trap, Neuter & Release (TNR) method as the humane way to control the population of stray animals on the streets in Penang instead of “KILLING”.
STOP THE KILLING of innocent stray animals and go for Trap, Neuter & Release (TNR) instead. The council has been practicing catch and kills for decades but this method has proved inefficient. Hundreds of cats & dogs are being put down on a monthly basis with the number of strays on the streets continue to grow.
Each time strays are removed, the population will rebound through a natural phenomenon known as the “vacuum effect”, drawing the community into a costly, endless cycle of trapping and killing. The vacuum effect describes what happens when even a portion of an animal population is permanently removed from its home range. Sooner or later, the empty habitat attracts other members of the species from neighboring areas, who move in to take advantage of the same resources that attracted the first group (like shelter and food). Killing or removing the original population does nothing to eliminate these resources; it only creates a “vacuum” that will inevitably draw in other animals living nearby.
The ONE & ONLY solution to solve this problem would be to practice Trap, Neuter & Release (TNR).
Trap, Neuter & Release (TNR) stabilizes stray populations. The strays are humanely trapped, vaccinated and neutered, so no more litters will be born. They are then returned to their original location to live out their lives in their outdoor home but are now unable to continue reproducing and adding to the growing problem. In addition, they also keep guard of the current community to prevent other animals from entering thus the population can eventually be controlled.
There are several reasons supporting the controlling of stray dog population by spaying and neutering. Here are some of them:
1. The studies show that killing doesn’t reduce the number of strays in a long run since the whole population is impossible to eliminate and there will always be new strays. The remaining strays and those coming to the area from other places will reproduce even faster than before since they have plenty of space and more food to share. The strays that come from other areas can also bring diseases and may be more menacing before getting familiar with their new living environment than the ones that were eliminated from the area.
2. Capturing, keeping and killing of strays are often done in very cruel and completely inhumane ways. These cause the animals a great deal of pain and suffer.
3. The killing of strays ignores the fact that strays may have a meaning to some people. These people may not have the luxury or space of keeping pets but the stray animals still receive some level of basic care from these people.
4. It’s been studied that spayed & neutered strays behave much more peaceful towards each other as well as people. Solely the fact that the males don’t have to fight for the females in heat and will make the animals calmer.
5. The risk of contagious diseases decreases remarkably along with spaying & neutering and vaccinations
There have been many controversial issues arising among general public, including pet owners as many are against neutering and spaying, often because they fear it is haram (not permitted in Islam) to tamper with the natural order of things and the animals’ instincts.
However, recent fatwas issued by prominent Islamic scholars, including Salafi Saudi scholar Muhammad Ibn al-Uthaymeen, argue that if there is keeping the animal intact causes harm or if the procedure gives a general benefit to the community, and if the animals are unharmed or pained by the procedure, then it is permissible. Ibn Al-Uthaymeen’s view is that neutering and spaying animals is more humane and in accordance with religion than killing, abusing or poisoning animals which Islam absolutely forbids.
It's time to learn from past mistakes and move forward instead of going around in circles – it’s time to stop fighting the endless battle of catch and kill and protect the innocent animals’ lives.
With reasons given above, we sincerely appeal for your kind heart to stop the killing now and implement the correct method, that is Trap, Neuter & Release (TNR) if you are seriously concern about the way to put a halt on the population of strays.
Thank you,
Sincerely Yours,
Save Our Strays (SOS) Penang
On behalf of the public