Save Steel Making On Teesside
signers. Add your name now!
signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
David Cameron is is time to help the people of the UK.....
Letting SSI close won't just affect our steelworkers and their families, it will have a huge knock on effect to local businesses in the Teesside area.
We need to fight to save our Steel Making before it's too late
We have made this petition to try and show David Cameron how much this means to the Teesside area and how much it means that we try secure the future of steel making industry in the North East of England for come.
Hopefully us all signing this petition will show the government how much this area really does need this to stay open.
Please sign the petition and share with as many people as you can
Also join our Facebook group HERE
Thank you