Save the 924!

Save the 924 (and other early water-cooled Porsches)!
The purpose of this petition is to encourage PAG to add a wide range of currently unavailable parts to the Porsche Classic catalog so that water-cooled enthusiasts can continue to rebuild, restore, and enjoy these fantastic cars.
There is growing interest in the early water-cooled cars. We believe there is sufficient worldwide demand for PAG to make these parts available again.
OEM parts for the 924, 944, 968, and 928 models are becoming increasingly difficult to find, with several of them now NLA (no longer available). Many of these parts are specialty items only available from the manufacturer (that is, they are not normal wear parts available from aftermarket or OE suppliers). Furthermore, most of these parts are crucial for proper restorations and engine rebuilds. Enthusiasts are currently forced to rely upon a dwindling supply of suspect parts recovered from salvage vehicles.
924 and 924 Turbo
crank reference sensor for M31.03/04/50: 931 606 021 00
wrist pin bushings: 059 105 431
tensioning sleeve for head-to-block alignment: 046 103 139
tensioning sleeve for gilmer pulley-to-crankshaft: N 023 255 1
piston wrist pins: E 046 107 411, 931 103 407 00, 931 103 407 01
main bearing sets: 046 198 451, 046 198 453, 046 198 455
spring for oil pressure relief valve: 068 115 427
cam oiler tube: 047 115 701
rod bolts: 059 105 425 A
rod nuts: 059 105 427 A
wastegate diaphragm: 930 123 210
sealing ring for upper charge tube-to-throttle body: 931 110 379 00
t-stat bypass hose: 046 121 053
t-stat-to-upper rad hose elbow : 931 106 159 00
heater core-to-heater control valve: 477 819 725 A
heater control valve-to-cross over pipe: 931 106 271 01
expansion tank overflow to rad : 000 043 205 14
reservoir-to-rad hose : 477 121 105
heater control valve-to-cross over pipe: 931 106 271 01
G31/016Y/Z Gasket (front housing to mid housing): 477 301 191 A
vacuum elbow from 931 bypass valve: 931 110 185 01
bracket, rear of intercooler: 931 110 209 04
oil cooler lines banjo bolt seals: 900 123 106 30
main banjo bolt seal for oil filter adpater-to-block: N 043 815 2
turbo oil feed line seals: 900 123 008 30
turbo drain line seals: 900 123 084 30
o-ring for oil filter console: 999 701 621 40
oil breather assembly: 931 107 063 00
oil breather assembly: 052 103 129 A
solenoids for fuel distributor: 477 133 525 D, 477 133 539 B, 477 133 539 C