Save the pond!!

To all my friends in Jaffray this is an important message so please read it and forward it!!!
As some of you may know, my parents have resided on Rosen Lake for the past 15 or so years. What you may not know is that the place they live in was built by my grandfather, father and uncle. It situated between the lake and a pond it is in the backyard. This pond is home to many species of animals including the endangered Leopard Frog, Blue Herons, Northern Painted Turtle, Otters, Ospreys, Rainbow Trout, Minks, Muskrats, Beavers, Crayfish and a few different breeds of Ducks...to name a few.
This pond has been the cause of much controversy with one of their neighbours. Mom and dad want to preserve the delicate wetland as it is and have taken steps over the years to enhance it. This neighbor (who already has access to their property from the other side of the lake) wants to build a road across this sanctuary for these animals, essentially filling it in. There is no doubt in our minds that is they are able to do so, it would be devastating to the pond's inhabitants and visitors.
The sad part is, it's so they can save 5 minutes on the drive to their house...and create access to subdivide the back property. This is purely a financial decision with total disregard for conservation and they fail to see the ecological impact this will have. I'm begging you friends to sign the petition to declare you support to preserve this habitat in its current annual state!!
Thank you all in advance.