Bristol NHS Trust are proposing the closure of the General Medical Ward 33 effective from July. This is a cost cutting exercise and is not being done to improve patient safety or healthcare. Those making the decision do not believe that those who use or fund the ward, taxpayers and parents, should have a say. What would this mean to the hospital? The loss of 16 beds, including 7 high dependancy cubicles. Loss of 12 cubicles for children who require nursing in isolation. Redundancy or relocation of staff, greater pressure on beds, staff and resources. What would this mean for patients? The remaining medical ward would be constantly full and children would be slotted into other wards where nurses are unfamilair with conditions such Cystic Fibrosis and other respiratory illnesses. When those wards are full or short of staff the nearest specialist childrens hospitals are in Taunton, Birmingham or Southampton. What can you do? Sign this petition that we will present to the hospital. Write ot the MP for the hospital constituency stephen.williams.mp@parliament.uk or the hospital Patient Advice and Liason services pals@uhbristol.nhs.uk Pass this on to your friends