Save Wild Horses from Slaughter

Save Wild USA Horses from Slaughter
By BornFreeMovies on YouTube (www.youtube.com/user/bornfreemovies)
View Invisible Mustangs Short Movie at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kLkH-_tQ64
The USA Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agency is supposed to protect and manage wild horses that still roam the American West. BLM rounds up thousands of wild horses each year to keep populations stable. But by March 2012, government pens and pastures were nearly full with no more space to be found. Horse adoption rates were down, leaving the agency facing a gridlock that would invite lawsuits and potentially cause long-term damage to the range.
So the BLM increased its sales to a little-known Colorado livestock hauler named T. Davis who was willing to buy hundreds of horses at a time, sight unseen, for $10 a head. The BLM has sold Davis at least 1,700 wild horses and burros since 2009, 70 percent of the animals purchased through its sale program.
Like all buyers, Davis signs contracts promising that animals bought from the program will not be slaughtered and insists he finds them good homes. But Davis is a longtime advocate of horse slaughter and admitted he has ducked Colorado law to move animals across state lines and will not divulge their destinations. He continues to buy wild horses for slaughter from Indian reservations, which are not protected by the same laws. And since 2010, he has been seeking investors for his own slaughterhouse.
Animal welfare advocates fear that horses bought by Davis are being sent to the killing floor. Wild horse welfare advocates have warned that the policy of capturing and storing horses is unsustainable and have pushed for the BLM to use fertility controls, introduce predators or expand wild horse territories, but the agency has made little progress toward these goals.
Please sign this petition and urge BLM to STOP rounding up and selling wild horses to slaughter. The wild horses, a symbol of American freedom, deserve to live free, the way they were born to be.