Save 900 Columbia Street
Hudson's historic architecture is an important resource for the city. It is tangible documentation of our unique history. It is what makes our community beloved to its residents and appealing to visitors and investors. The historic architecture of Hudson should be respected and preserved.
The plan being pursued by the Mental Health Association of Columbia-Greene Counties, which will result in the demolition of a pre-1830 building located at 900 Columbia Street, shows a lamentable disregard for Hudson's architectural heritage. Historic buildings are not disposable; they are irreplaceable.
We oppose the demolition of this historic house. Its antiquity alone makes it worthy of respect and protection, and its location on the road from Hudson, once Claverack Landing, to the historic hamlet of Claverack suggests its rich history. We urge the Mental Health Association to reconsider the plan that requires the demolition of this building and to find another location for the proposed five-apartment group home.
This petition will be sent (in snail mail and email formats) to the Mental Health Association of Columbia-Greene Counties on March 11, 2011. If you support the effort to save 900 Columbia Street, please add your signature below.